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Article: Containerization and Modern Configuration Orchestration Management

Today's data centers are realizing cost and maintenance economies through harnessing the flexibility of AWS' Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). ECS and EKS are allowing compute consumers to specify and pay for resources per application while improving security via application isolation.

ECS allows you to launch machine clusters that will act as a deployment platform for your container apps, enabling all your instances in the cluster to be treated as one big instance available for your container workload.

Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.”

Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS. EKS harnesses the open-source container tool Kubernetes allowing all applications managed by Amazon EKS to be fully compatible with applications managed by any standard Kubernetes environment.

If your organization needs to run container deployments across multiple infrastructure providers - you many require additional flexibility found in Kubernetes. AWS EKS offers this versatility.

Get Inspired. Modernize your Cloud Footprint.

Today's modern Cloud infrastructure landscape demands a greater focus than ever before on scaling applications quickly and securely in parallel with improving resource utilization and cost optimizations. Containers provide a standardized protocol for packaging application’s code, configurations and dependencies into a single object. This virtualization occurs at the operating system level, rather than the hardware stack allowing users to run multiple containers on the OS kernel directly. This architecture produces faster, more transferrable, and more efficient application platforms than virtual machines and can be a game-changer in leading your organization to successful of your Cloud adoption at scale.


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